Super Guarantee Rate Rises in July to 11%
In July 2023, the superannuation guarantee statutory rate will rise to 11%. Annually, the rate is increasing by 0.5% until July 2025 when it will reach the legislated 12%. What...
Your March quarter superannuation guarantee contribution is due soon
You need to lodge your superannuation for January to March very soon. Most superannuation clearing houses (including SuperStream compliant software companies) require payment by the 14th of the month in...
Is your 2023 planning leading you down the right path?
As a business owner, CEO or managing director, it’s important to look forwards. Your job is to guide the course of the company and to provide the roadmap for a...
Time is money: make the most of 2023 with Kaizen
Are you familiar with the ancient Japanese philosophy of ‘Kaizen’? Kaizen is the principle of continuous improvement that can make a huge difference to the efficiency of any company and...
Business tips: Making the most of digital and cloud
Transforming into a digital business sets the best possible infrastructure for your future growth. And, as your business scales, the benefits of going digital will start to become obvious. Running...
Cost-Benefit Analysis: Weighing up a big investment in your business
Are you considering investing in a new way to make your business more productive or streamlined? Are you looking to grow your business? With a tight labour market, everyone’s time...
The four-day week is gaining momentum – could it boost your business?
The four-day work week is a winner – or at least that’s the result from a major pilot program conducted at 33 international businesses. With employees working only four days, the companies...
Simple ways to plug the talent gap
There's no escaping the fact that many industries are facing a talent gap. 3 in 4 employers are reporting difficulty finding the talent they need in 2022, according to statistics...
Hiring employees who share your core values
Most small businesses start off with just one worker: You. However, as your business grows (or sometimes to help your business grow) you may decide to hire people to become...
Understanding Your Breakeven Point
Understanding your business breakeven point is essential to know how much money you need to make to stay in business. It can therefore help you make well-informed financial decisions and...